EchoVectorVEST is a part of Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots (MDPP), Bradford Market Research and Analytics, KBW Enterprises. ProtectVEST and AdvanceVEST are Divisions of EchoVectorVEST, MDPP*.
From the EchoVectorVEST web site:
"ProtectVest and AdvanceVest by EchoVectorVest, Divisions of Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots, Bradford Market Research and Analytics. Currently A FREE Educational, Forecast Opinion, and Forecast Methodology and Related Strategies Discussion Resource and Forum."
EchoVectorVEST is also the name of an advanced securities market analysis and market price action and securities market price level forecast and position alert methodology created, originated, discovered, and developed by Kevin John Bradford Wilbur, a noted prize-winning financial economist, financial physicist, and price theorist.
Kevin John Bradford Wilbur is the Chief Architect of the Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots Forecast Model and Alert Paradigm, and the Senior Developer of the ProtectVEST and AdvanceVEST by EchoVectorVEST Active Advanced Risk Management Trade Technology and Active Advanced Management Position Value Optimization Methodology. With an over 35 year span of experience and awards in Academics, Research, Management, Practice and Trade, Kevin has specialized experience in the Major Market Indexes, Commodities, ETFs, and in Derivatives and the Derivatives Markets. Kevin is the Creator, Originator, Discoverer, and Developer of the EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast, and Alert Methodology.
(*ProtectVEST and AdvanceVEST utilize the EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast, and Alert Methodology, with these included within the comprehensive EchoVectorVEST MDPP Forecast Model and Alert Paradigm. ProtectVEST and AdvanceVEST also focus on the EchoVectorVEST MDPP Active Advanced Risk Management Trade Technology and the EchoVectorVEST MDPP Active Advanced Management Position Value Optimization Methodology.)
The EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast and Alert Methodology utilizes mathematical, economic, and financial physics approaches focusing on vector analysis, Fourier transformations, and fractal geometries, combined with inputs, overlays, and contributions to additional timing-based references from cyclical macroeconomic calendar effects, cyclical earnings announcement calendar effects, and cyclical political economic calendar effects.
The EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast and Alert Methodology is included and utilized within the advanced and more comprehensive Motion Dynamics and Precision Pivots (MDPP) Forecast Model and Alert Paradigm, proper.
The EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast, and Alert Methodology has an extended, unique, formal and powerful conceptual organization and algorithmic and terminological base.
Fundamental to this extended conceptual and algorithmic and terminological base are concepts, algorithms, and operational terminology which form and include references to the centerpiece of EchoVectorVEST concepts of price/time/event echovectors, price/time/event forecast echovectors, and aggregate echovector and forecast echovector price, time and price-directional weights.
Also fundamental are the key and related concepts of key price/time/event relating echobackdates, echobacktimepoints, and echobacktimeperiods, and their intersections, aggregations, and coordinations, and their other related and significant aspects, qualities, interactions.
How, why, and what it means when certain echovector coordinations and symmetries occur, coordinate echovector flex points are approached, and when coordinate echovector pivots occur, are all additional fundamental concepts within the methodology.
How, why, and what it means when certain coordinate and/or related echovectors start to perform countervailing pivots, or other countervailing motions, are also fundamental and important concepts.
The mathematical expression of these important and fundamental concepts within generated and illustrative vector geometries, and these concept's efficient, high-utility, and high-precision narrative-based references within the formal, extensive, powerfully organized, highly-illustrative, adaptable, and referentially efficient EchoVectorVEST terminological lexicon, are additionally important features of the EchoVectorVEST Methodology and its output. And they can be quite impressive.
EchoVectorVEST's pronounced conceptual organization, its well-formed and well integrated conceptual hierarchy, and the extensive and integrated terminological efficiency of its formal lexical reference matrix is further impressive. With serious study, EchoVectorVEST can become highly informing and enlightening, is highly learnable, is very understandable, is very illustrative, is handily intellectually flexible, and can easily become, once all this is achieved, an enthusiastically held, and constructive and applicable approach, to understanding and potentially forecasting significant market price motions and market mechanics.
Following are more examples of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and lexical constructs and references within the EchoVectorVEST trademark terminology matrix. These examples focus on, and delineate, key echovector relationships and time-frames within the EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast, and Alert Methodology. Do note the emphasis in terms on echotimeframes, echobackdates, echovectors, the economic and announcement calendar and its regular cycles (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc) and the political economic calendar and its regular cycles (Congressional, Presidential, Regime Change, etc). Also included here are references to price echoes in key short-term time-frames and basic intraday trading time-blocs (daily, AM, PM), and in short-term echoes from overseas markets (Europe, Asia).
EchoVectorVEST Lexical References and Trademark Terminology
DEV Daily EchoVector
WEV Weekly EchoVector
2WEV Bi-Weekly EchoVector
MEV Monthly EchoVector
QEV Quarterly EchoVector
2QEV 6-Month EchoVector, 2 Quarters
3QEV 9-Month EchoVector, 3 Quarters
4QEV 12-Month EchoVector, 4 Quarters,
AEV 12-Month EchoVector, Annual
1.5AEV 18-Month EchoVector
6QEV 18-Month EchoVector
2AEV 2-Year EchoVector
CCEV Congressional Cycle EchoVector (2-Years)
4AEV 4-Year EchoVector
PCEV Presidential Cycle EchoVector (4-Years, possibly less)
8AEV 8-Year EchoVector
RCCEV Regime Change Cycle EchoVector (4 or 8 years, usually)
5AEV 5-Year EchoVector
FREV Federal Reserve EchoVector, 5 year
10AEV 10-Year, One Decade, EchoVector
FEV Forecast EchoVector
EBD EchoBackDate
EBTP EchoBackTimePoint
QEVFEV QuarterlyEchoVector ForecastEchoVector
QEVEBD QuarterlyEchoVector EchoBackDate
APEV Ascending Pivot EchoVector
DPEV Descending Pivot EchoVector
PAPFEV ParallelAscendingPivot ForecastEchoVector
PAPFEV ParallelDescendingPivot ForecastEchoVector
QEVAPEV QuarterlyEchoVector AscendingPivotEchoVector
QEVPAPFEV QuarterlyEchoVector ParallelAscendingPivot ForecastEchoVector
QEVPDPFEV QuarterlyEchoVector ParallelDescendingPivot ForecastEchoVector
Following are more examples of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and lexical constructs and references within the EchoVectorVEST Trademark Terminology Matrix.
Additional EchoVectorVEST Lexical References and Trademark Terminology
Active Advance Management Position Value Optimization Methodology and Active Advance Management Trade Technology
ProtectVEST and AdvanceVEST by EchoVectorVEST, MDPP
Introducing the On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch
A Recursive 3-Legged Conditional Branched Chain Stop-Specific Trade Trigger Position Management Order Utility Program and Platform for Advanced Applications of:
FNPI Full Net Portfolio Insurance
FNPL Full Net Portfolio Long
FNPS Full Net Portfolio Short
FNPDL Full Net Portfolio Double Long
FNPDS Full Net Portfolio Double Short
FNPositionI Full Net Position Insurance
FNPositionL Full Net Position Long
FNPositionS Full Net Position Short
FNPositionDL Full Net Position Double Long
FNPositionDS Full Net Position Double Short
FNVI Full Net Vehicle (Price Level) Insurance
FNVL Full Net Vehicle Long
FNVS Full Net Vehicle Short
FNVDL Full Net Vehicle Double Long
FNVDS Full Net Vehicle Double Short
OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch: ootv or otaps (for short)
Following are more examples of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and lexical constructs and references within the EchoVectorVEST Trademark Terminology Matrix.
Additional EchoVectorVEST Lexical References and Trademark Terminology
HFT = High Frequency Trading
g = gld etf
d = dia etf
.xx = Price quoted to cents on active $ price level.
r = reset (new adjustment and setting of OOTVs)
t = TAUA, trailing automatic upward adjustment of ootv(s)
b = for both FNPI and FNPDS. Also assume both without mention of "b" unless "-b" specified. instead.
f = fulfilled . No designated "f" does not preclude fulfilment occurred.
fr = from prior active high reset (adjustment) of active OOTV(s).
c = cover
cov = cover
na = now active
s = OOTV(s) reset (adjusted) to same value as cover price level
ts = TAUA set at same level as cover price quoted
t1 = TAUA set 1 cent above cover price quoted
t02 = TAUA set 2 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t03 = TAUA set 3 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t05 = TAUA set 5 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
t10 = TAUA set 10 cents above cover price quoted, etc.
a = active high reset price levels for active fnpi and fnpds OOTV(s) settings
apr = prior active high OOTV adjustment price level from TAUA or specified reset.
g = capital gain lock base differential (multiply by 3 for total (gt) when b = FNPI and FNPDS).
gt = captial gain lock total differential, total differential from total short-term move.
ae = time am est
pe = time pm est
tp = current trading price (bid, last print)
g c .70 rs t05 b f fr .80 g .10 gt .30
EchoVectorVEST related informational web sites and blog sites include:
Recently Published Articles (May 2012):
May 2012 Instablogs:
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We hope this information on EchoVectorVEST and the EchoVectorVEST Analysis, Forecast, and Alert Methodology and on the EchoVectorVEST Trademark Terminology Matrix and Reference Lexicon and on EchoVectorVEST fundamental concepts and algorithms has been helpful.
More advanced and comprehensive information on the EchoVectorVEST Methodology and on EchoVectorVEST algorithms used in the construction of key echovectors and forecast echovectors and analysis of related echobackdates and echobackperiods and related directional price forecast and alerts, and potential positioning tactics and strategies, regarding elect financial vehicle market price motion mechanics, descriptions, assessments, and forecasts, will be included in addendums to this presentation.
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