On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch Signal has
1 . The Position Cover Component, and
2. The Position Polarity Reversal (Switch) Component, and
3. The Position Polarity Continuance Component.
Each Component is generated from
1. The OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Vector, and/or
2. The OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Vector Cluster Fan, and/or
3. From other potential construction sources (listed below).
PPS: Potential Position Polarity Cover And/Or Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector And Switch Signal Vector Cluster Trigger Points and And Trigger Points Schedule, And Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector and Extension Vector and Extension Vector Cluster Trigger Points Schedule.
V-TAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch Signal, Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector, and Position Polarity Switch Signal Vectors Cluster Fan (and the Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Cluster Fan Signal Trigger Points)
"The OTAPS-PPS Position Polarity Cover And/Or Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Trigger Point Price"and its support and resistance trigger point constellation is primarily derived from FOUR fundamental source constructions operant within applied EchoVector Analysis and OTAPS technology.
1. The first construction source is (a) the set of specific key active coordinate forecast echovector (CFEV) support and resistance vectors, and their identified parallel extension vectors, discovered at work within the referenced scope-relative market cycle echovector momentum vector occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, or (b) the set of variant and aggregated scope-relative market cycle echovectors of similar time-lengths intersecting and occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, or (c) the set of variant and aggregated scope-relative market cycle echovectors of differing time-lengths intersecting and occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, or (d) any aggregates and intersects of a, b, and/or c above occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, the AAFIOFT* (Applied Action Focus Interest Opportunity Forecast Time-block).
2. The second construction source is the transposed cluster of NPP* (Nearby identified scope-relative pivot points and/or flex-points of focus interest) Extension Vectors that are identified and originate from the EBD* (EchoBackDate) and/or EBD-TPP* (EchoBackDate TimeAndPricePoint... as more precise time increment measures enable) and which are then symmetrically transposed to 'project from' the NPP's corresponding, originating, and current echovector SP* (the Referenced Echovector's Starting Reference Time/Price Point (typically found at its latest - located most to the right graphically - time/price point) and which then may also continue to further 'project into' or 'traverse' the respective focus interest opportunity otaps-pps forecast application time-frame (fio-otaps-pps-fatf) and applied forecast fiop time/price block (af fiop tpb).
3. The third construction source is the set of additional technical analysis tools and indicators that may be used in complimenting and supplementing primarily EchoVector Analysis methodology generated indicators, signals, and alerts.
4. The fourth construction source is the set of various and regular key outlook events and economics calendar stimulants, along with the potential black swan reactive determinants, that may induce additional, independent, and automatic OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal generation within the practice of effective risk management.
All OTAPS-PPS VECTORS are vector price support and resistance bridges, which, when touched, constitute, signal, and trigger position capital gain capture, and which, when penetrated, constitute, signal, and trigger position polarity reversal action and adjustment.
The OTAPS-PPS Open Position Polarity Cover And/Or Open Position Polarity Switch Signal and Trigger Applied Action Forecast Time-Price Block.
"Actively adjusting for optimum speed, acceleration, directionality, and leverage, the instrument position 'captures and sails' to the varied strengths and varied directions in the powering winds of market change... to keep the course of equity growth strong, positive, straight, true, and moving ever powerfully forward."
OTAPS signal price levels are generated by the applied forecast model. An OTAPS switch is then constructed from the OTAPS price level signal upon which the switch then becomes based during its time application. Base switch levels are set, and often carry with them a series of related upper band and lower band accompanying price switch levels than may also be pre-programmed and additionally employable when met by the market price. These UB and LB OTAPS switches the accompany the issued primary switch price and target application switch price level remain active also until adjusted.
The OTAPS switch is essentially an advanced 'directional and approached-sensitive' and 'flexible' two-sided price straddling mechanism that allows a position 'positivized' in a particular 'price motion direction' to be either 'turned on or tuned off' relative to the 'found price motion direction' occurring in the 'subject security', while also allowing the 'opposite polarity position' to be 'turned on or off' relative to the same price motion occurrence, or any subsequent price motion occurrence, that might move prices to and through the issued target application price switch price level.
1. EchoVector Pivot Points, absolute, Coordinate Forecast EchoVector* construction endpoints, single-period based.
2. Aggregated EchoVector Pivot Points, absolute, aggregated Coordinate Forecast Echovector construction endpoints, complex, multi-period in phase convergences of cycles in clusters.
3. EchoVector Pivot Points, dynamic, Coordinate Forecast EchoVector construction market price intersects at slope momentum projections, specific time-point relative.
4. Coordinate Forecast EchoVectors as SRV-R (Resistance Vector) AND SRV-S (Support Vector) intersects, range-specific, and periodicity specified.
5. SRV (Support and/or Resistance Vector) intersects with key outlook time-points (ie., options expiration day, FOMC announcement day-hour-minute, earnings releases, economic calendar announcements-releases-events, scheduled special events or occurrences or their calendar echoes, overseas and/or international announcements, crisis management announcements, political economics calendar, etc.)
6. Mathematically and statistically related formula and economic-based algorithms.
7. EchoBackDate (EBD) and/or EchoBackDateTimeAndPricePoint (EBD-TPP) symmetry transpositioned corresponding Extension Vectors and Extension Vector Clusters.
OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Forecast Model Constructs are used in conjunction with Active Advanced Positioning and Active Advanced Position Management in Risk Management and Value Optimization Paradigms: Risk-Management / Value-Protection / Growth Optimization - Growth Acceleration Curve Optimization
They are Active Advanced Management Constructs inclusive Of Key Forecast Price Pivot Points, Key Forecast Price Flex Points, Key Forecast Price Support Vectors, Key Forecast Price Resistance Vectors.
Gold Charts: Warning In February Still Valid Today
Today's EchoVector Pivot Point Chart And Analysis: The Long Treasury Bond
"... Regarding any long-term short positions that may still be open from that top, I would tend to consider them primarily mature, especially in the short term and at the current level of extension, and to possibly be at risk. Therefore, I would be ready to monitor them closely, and be analyzing their potential cover or continuance within short-term trading considerations.
Could This Be A Correction That's Coming? An EchoVector Pivot Point Perspective
Twelve Significant EchoVector Calculations For Perspective
And Calculating Their Respective EchoVector Pivot Points
Learn To Construct A Cycle EchoVector of a Particular Cyclical Length And Corresponding Cycle EchoVector Pivot Point Price Projection Forecast Parallelograms And Included OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Vectors
It is often suggested to start with the readily available daily increment quarterly cycle length period on your price chart, and to then eventually construct an echovector pivot point price parallelogram using the echovector and a scope-relative pivot point nearby (and subsequent to) the echovector's echobackdate. This already occurring scope-relative nearby pivot point following the echobackdate's phase is referred to as the NPP. This 'relatively nearby' pivot point to the echobackdate constitutes the third point in the echovector pivot point price parallellogram. The first point is the starting reference point in the echovector's initial construction. The second point in the cycle echovector pivot point price forecast parallelogram is the echovector's echobackdate-timeandpricepoint.
This nearby pivot point also constitutes the end of the NPP Extension Vector that runs from the EBD-TPP to the NPP. (To support the OTAPS-PPS active advanced position management strategy, this NPP Extension Vector will also be symmetrically transposed to become one of the active OTAP-PPS Position Polarity Switch Signal Vectors within the PPS Switch Signal Vectors Fan that also eminates from the echovector's starting reference point.
The NPP to the echovector echobackdate also constitutes the beginning of the coordinate forecast echovector, reading left to right. The echobackdate constitutes the beginning of the echovector, not by way of construction, but when reading left to right. The beginning of the construction of the echovector is on the right at the starting reference point, and moves back to the echobackdate-timeandpricepoint, right to left, during construction.
The Coordinate Forecast Echovector (CFEV) runs parallel to the initial echovector in the Cycle Echovector Pivot Point Price Projection Forecast Parallelogram, and is the same length as the echovector. The NPP Extension Vector is on the left side of the paralleogram. At the far right endpoint of the parallelogram construction we find the projected echovector pivot point (time and price).
The CFEV has the 'already occurred' NPP to the EV's EBD-TPP, and at the end of the CFEV we find the EV-PPP. The X-EV (echovector of cycle length X) has its STPP (starting time and price point -the starting reference point) on its far right, and its EBD-TPP on its far left. The parallel CFEV has the NPP (an identified and elected scope relative pivot point price at a specific time occuring nearby, but following the echovector's EBDTPP) on the far left, and has on the far right the EV-PPP, the echovector pivot point projection. The STPP, EBDTPP, NPP, and the EV-PPP constitute the four key time-price points in the cycle echovector pivot point price projection forecast parallelogram.
The forth side of the parallelogram, STPP to EV-PPP, constitutes an active OTAPS-PPS Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector within active advanced risk and position management strategies.
Learning this simple construction process, you will then be able to construct several (4 to 8) parallelograms, each with different nearby pivot point (NPPs) to the echobackdate-timeandpricepoint. Some NPPs may be found to have a price higher than the echobackdate and some a price lower. Those with prices loWer can be designated NPP-S1, NPP-S2, NPP-S3, NPP-S4, etc. Those with prices higher can be designated NPP-R1, NPP-R2, NPP-R3, NPP-R4, etc.
The cycle echovector pivot point price projection forecast parallelogram of length X with starting reference point STPP and echobackdate-timeandpricepoint EBD-TPP and containing NPP-S1 will have X-EVPPP-S1 generated on its far right through the construction process as its cycle echovector pivot point price projection S1.
S1, S2, S3, S4, and R1, R2, R3, R4, (S for support, and R for resistance, S at an NPP price and time point below the EBD-TPP price and time point, and R at an NPP price and time point above the EBD-TPP price and time point) may occur and be forecasted for any STPP. Each generated STPP to EV-PPP-Sx Vector (the fourth side of any cycle echovector pivot point price projection forecast parallelogram) and each generated STPP to EV-PPP-Rx Vector (also the fourth side of any cycle echovector pivot point price projection forecast parallelogram) constitute potentail OTAP-PPS Vectors, and together constitute elements of the OTAPS-PPS Vector Fan for any give cyclical time-frame length of interest (12 key cycle timeframe lengths in echovector analysis are listed above).
For more comprehensive forecasting and analysis, (1) Echovector Pivot Point Price Projections and (2) Active Advanced Risk and Position Management OTAPS-PPS Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Fans, for all 12 key echovector cycle lengths for any STPP of interest, can be generated.
Active Advance Position Management and Value Optimization Methodology And Risk Management Signal, and Active Advance Position Management Trade Technology
On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch And Position Polarity Cover And/Or Position Polarity Switch Signal
A Recursive 3-Legged Conditional Branched-Chain Stop-Specific Trade-Trigger Position Management Order Utility Program, and Methodology, and Platform for Advanced Applications of
FNPI Full Net Portfolio Value Insurance
FNPL Full Net Portfolio Value Long
FNPS Full Net Portfolio Value Short
FNPDL Full Net Portfolio Value Double Long
FNPDS Full Net Portfolio Value Double Short
FNDDL Full Net Portfolio Value Double Double Long
FNPDDS Full Net Portfolio Value Double Double Short
FNPositionI Full Net Position Value Insurance
FNPositionL Full Net Position Value Long
FNPositionS Full Net Position Value Short
FNPositionDL Full Net Position Value Double Long
FNPositionDS Full Net Position Value Double Short
FNPositionDDL Full Net Position Value Double Double Long
FNPositionDDS Full Net Position Value Double Double Short
FNVI Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Insurance
FNVL Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Long
FNVS Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Short
FNVDL Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Long
FNVDS Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Short
FNVDDL Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Double Long
FNVDDS Full Net Vehicle (Financial Instrument) Value Double Double Short
OTAPS-PPS "The On/Off/Through Vector Target Application Price Switch" - "The Position Polarity Switch" Signal Vector and Signal Vector Cluster Fan
The OTAPS target price position polarity switch, the OTAPS active position management signal, and the OTAPS position polarity switch signal vector and signal vector cluster fan, and the OTAPS position management methodology, were invented (and discovered) by advanced price theorist and behavioral economist Kevin John Bradford Wilbur.
The OTAPS Position Management System is intended as a contribution to active securities position management practitioners operating in the fields of securities and investment portfolio management and in portfolio risk management.
OTAPS is an 'acronym of abbreviation' that stands for "On-Off-Through-Vector-Target-Application-Price-Switch." The OTAPS switch is a trade tool and position management and risk-management utility for enhancing focus instrument position value within an active risk management and responsive position management trading regime.
Other references to the trade switch include, but are not limited to:
OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch,
OOTV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch,
OOTVATPS: On-Off-Through Vector Application Target Price Switch Straddle,
ATPSS: On-Off-Through Vector Application Target Price Switch Straddle.
OTAPS-PPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal
Each reference, however, represent the same mathematical formula and financial construct and entity, and refers to the same applied position management and risk-management methodology and technology in which it is used and is publicly discussed.
See http://echovectorvest.blogspot.com/2012/05/on-off-through-vector-target.html.
Related references are:
OTAPS-PPSV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector
OTAPS-PPSEV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal Extension Vector
OTAPS-PPSV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Cluster
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